
The White House has confirmed today that it will ease travel restrictions on air passenger travel into the US for fully vaccinated travellers from Britain, the EU and some other countries starting in November 2021.

All foreign passengers to the US will need to proof of vaccination before boarding their flight.

This replaces the blanket ban that has been in place for Britons and Europeans entering American since March 2020.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the easing of US travel rules for fully vaccinated travellers was:

“a fantastic boost for business and trade” adding it was “great that family and friends on both sides of the pond can be reunited once again”.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps who made the announcement today, said the move was the work of “brilliant collaboration”.

The easing pre-empted an impassioned plea due to be delivered on Tuesday (tomorrow) to US President Joe Biden during a White House meeting.

Asked whether it was a “political move” in the wake of tensions with allies, White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients said it was an “individual rather than a country-based approach” and based on public health.


Source : https://www.thetravelmagazine.net/travel-restrictions-on-air-passenger-travel-from-britain-and-eu-to-the-us-is-being-eased/

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